v2.3 [Jun 14, 2014]
- The libc stringstream workaround was also enabled for FreeBSD.
- The segment(bool[] b) function was fixed.
- The side (pair, pair, pair) function was renamed to orient (pair, pair, pair) and an error in its documentation was corrected.
- Added functions orient (triple, triple, triple, triple) and insphere (triple, triple, triple, triple, triple) were implemented.
- A random number generator incompatibility on some platforms was fixed.
- Support was removed for the obsolete utility texi2dvi4a2ps.
- Compiler warnings were suppressed.
v2.2 [Oct 21, 2012]
Explicitly transformed billboard labels now work correctly again.
The alignment point of OpenGL billboard labels was fixed.
An extend parameter was added to the axes (default true) and axes3 (default false) routines.
A history recall bug was fixed.
A typo was corrected in the documentation of the Jacobi elliptic functions sncndn.
Kit of applications for creation and edition of technical illustrations